
Assignments in Housing and Urban Policy are designed to offer the opportunity to explore the issues, policies, and practices of professionals engaging these issues. Your assignments are designed to build upon each other and culminate for undergraduates with the production of a housing policy analysis, for Master’s students with a professional housing policy platform, and for Doctoral students with the production of a term paper. In addition to these individual assignments, you will all take turns facilitating class discussion - an important contribution to us building a shared body of knowledge together.

Assignment Undergraduate Masters Doctoral Due Date
Exploring an Intersection 25% 10% 10% 9/11/2023
Local Housing Market Analysis 25% 10% 10/23/2023
Housing Policy Analysis 30% 10% 11/27/2023
Housing Platform 50% 12/11/2023
Term Paper 70% 12/11/2023
Discussion Facilitation 10% 10% 10% Varies
Seminar Participation and Engagement 10% 10% 10% Throughout

For more information on assignment grading and expectations, please refer to the individual assignments and to our course syllabus.