Reading Week


This week, we will not meet as a class - instead you will work in your discussion facilitation groups to shape your facilitation of the course module which you are assigned to work on.


Please refer to the discussion facilitation assignment and associated template to work through your module preparations this week.

Your group should also request a meeting with Professor Greenlee this week to discuss your plans.

Assigned Groups

How are individual and collective financial benefits and burdens allocated through housing?

Karley C.
Cole F.
Hexiang H.
Anjana N.
Aabha S.
Yingqi Y.


Where are poor people to live? What housing are poor people to occupy?

Emma B.
Ar’Mand E.
Shinmyeong H.
Rose R.K.
Elle S.
Michael V.


How do neighborhoods matter for economic and social mobility?

Leela, B.
Dasom H.
Nadia K.
Anukriti M.
Jerry R.
Zhenpeng Z.


What are the causes and consequences of housing instability?

Hyndavi A.
Prithvi H.
Janet H.
Jenifer M.
Priya S.
Andrew S.


What would a global right to housing look like?

Sepideh A.
Julia P.
Trinity L.
Maria R.S.
Shiva S.
