
Our course schedule is subject to change over the course of semester - please check here often for updates.

How will we learn together? How can we conceptualize the impacts of housing and urban policy?

Date Topic
8/21/2023 Course Introduction
8/23/2023 Conceptual Frameworks for Housing Analysis

How well are we housed?

Date Topic
8/28/2023 How well are we housed?
8/30/2023 Government intervention in housing
9/6/2023 Policy analysis

Reading Week

Date Topic
9/11/2023 Reading Week - No Class Session
9/13/2023 Reading Week - No Class Session

How are individual and collective financial benefits and burdens allocated through housing?

Date Topic
9/18/2023 An Evolutionary History of Homeownership
9/20/2023 Disparities in Access to Ownership
9/25/2023 TBD
9/27/2023 TBD

Where are poor people to live? What housing are poor people to occupy?

Date Topic
10/2/2023 Public Housing
10/4/2023 Federally Assisted Housing
10/9/2023 Housing Production Strategies
10/11/2023 Danielle Chynoweth - Cunningham Township Supervisor’s Office

How do neighborhoods matter for economic and social mobility?

Date Topic
10/16/2023 The Enduring Significance of Neighborhoods
10/18/2023 No Class - ACSP Conference
10/23/2023 Neighborhood Change
10/25/2023 TBD

What are the causes and consequences of housing instability?

Date Topic
10/30/2023 Political Ecology of Housing
11/1/2023 Vinisha Basnet - Political Ecology of Bedbugs
11/6/2023 Regulating Housing Environments
11/8/2023 Eviction

What would a global right to housing look like?

Date Topic
11/13/2023 Housing Market Discrimination and Fair Housing
11/15/2023 Houselessness
11/20/2023 Fall Break - No Class
11/22/2023 Fall Break - No Class
11/27/2023 Ageing and Disability

What’s your plan for intervention?

Date Topic
11/29/2023 Final Presentations
12/4/2023 Final Presentations
12/6/2023 Final Presentations